10 Most Important WordPress Tips and Tricks

10 Most Important WordPress Tips and Tricks


As a web developer or website owner, it’s important to keep up with the latest WordPress tips and tricks. We’ve compiled a list of 10 essential WordPress tips that every webmaster needs to know. Stay ahead of the curve and keep your site running smoothly with these helpful hints.

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that allows you to create a website or blog from scratch
, or improve an existing one.

Are you looking for a web development platform that allows you to easily and quickly create a website or blog from scratch, or improve an existing one? Look no further than WordPress, the leading content management system (CMS) around! With WordPress, you’ll have access to all the tools and features needed to customize, curate, and enhance your website. Whether you’re just starting in web development or already have a website of your own through the Waashero WordPress theme, WordPress is for everyone! So why wait? Get started today with WordPress and see how it takes your website to new heights.

1. Selecting the Right Web Hosting.

WordPress is a content management system that helps you easily create and manage your website. It’s perfect for everything from a personal blog to an online store. WordPress does not host websites on its platform, a fact that many website hopefuls misunderstand. Instead, WordPress recommends three different web hosting options:

Therefore, you can use any web hosting company that meets WordPress’ minimum requirements for hosts. Your host’s PHP version needs to be 7.3 or higher. Additionally, the MySQL version should be 5.6 or higher, or if using MariaDB, it must be 10.1 or greater; HTTPS support is also required by WordPress.

Once you find a web hosting provider that works best for you, there are still more choices to make. Do you want shared hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated servers, or cloud hosting? These are the most popular options available.

Your website’s success depends on choosing the appropriate plan and host from the start. Make sure you select a plan with enough resources to Handle your traffic. The consequences of opting for the wrong hosting can include slow loading times, crashes, and downtimes. Moreover, changing hosts later is usually more difficult than doing it from the beginning.

2. Choose a Lightweight and Trusted Theme

With WordPress, you have a plethora of themes to choose from. Two places where you can look for awesome themes are the WordPress theme directory and other trusted sources on the internet.

Some people make the mistake of rushing when they choose a WordPress theme. This isn’t beneficial because there are thousands of themes available, and not all of them come from the WordPress theme directory.

If you want a quality theme, you might have to pay for it on a site like ThemeForest, which has 46,000 themes to choose from. Most themes are reasonably priced and based on the type of website you have–for example, the best WordPress themes for blogs differ from the best eCommerce WordPress themes.

Always test a theme before installation by looking at the live demo. This allows you to get an understanding of how the user will experience the feel and look of the theme.

Keep in mind that it is essential for any theme you install to be mobile responsive. If a theme cannot be displayed appropriately on mobile devices, then it serves no purpose.

3. Use Google Analytics

You can’t improve your website if you don’t know how well it’s currently doing. WordPress by itself doesn’t give you enough information, but installing a Google Analytics plugin will help show you how people are interacting with your site. 

MonsterInsights is a top option to consider for this.

More than 2 million people actively use this plugin, making it the most popular Google Analytics plugin available. By installing it, you’ll be able to see reports on your audience, their behavior, what content they engage with, and (if relevant) eCommerce data.

An advantage to using a Google Analytics plugin is that your data displays on your WordPress admin dashboard. Rather than moving between platforms, you can find everything in one place.

4. Install a plugin for SEO

Google Analytics is great, but you’ll get even more use out of a WordPress SEO plugin. Yoast SEO is my personal favorite because it’s so user-friendly, but there are dozens of other excellent options to choose from.

If you don’t have an SEO strategy for your WordPress website, then you’re not going to get much organic traffic. And that is key if you want your website to survive in today’s day and age.

Even if you have great content, that doesn’t guarantee website visits. Your site’s search engine optimization should always be a top priority, no matter what type of website you have or what industry you’re in. A plugin like Yoast can make optimizing your site much easier by analyzing keywords and content to ensure that you’re taking the right approach. Yoast also helps with managing the technical side of SEO, such as controlling sitemaps or robots.txt files.

5. Don’t use too many Plugins

Although it may sound contradictory to my previous two tips, you need to be judicious with the number of plugins you use on your website. Google Analytics and SEO plugins are essential, as well as some other plugins that add extra features to your site. Here are some examples of great plugins:

  • Caching
  • Forms
  • Directories
  • Bookings
  • Memberships
  • Popups
  • Backups
  • Security

Having too many WordPress plugins installed can make your site slower due to the additional code they require. More plugins don’t automatically mean a better website, so only install the ones you’ll use to avoid bogging down your site.

6. Compress images

Although too many images can hinder your website’s speed, you shouldn’t avoid using them altogether. I suggest taking advantage of visuals and incorporating images into every aspect of your site, from blog posts to landing pages to product descriptions.

In general, images should be present on most websites. But these types of files are large and can make pages load slowly. To avoid this issue, compress each image before it’s made public.

7. Modify your permalinks

The part of a web address that comes after the domain name is called a permalink. This is the unique web address for each landing page and blog post.

Whenever you generate a new page or post on WordPress, a permalink is automatically created. However, these defaults have to be edited before publishing the page for it to be effective. A well-crafted and custom permalink can communicate what your page is about without viewers having to read the actual content. This helps create an understanding for website visitors so they know what to expect when clicking on your site.

By organizing your website’s pages and posts, permalinks make it easier for both search engines and visitors to find content. If you want to change your permalink structure, go to the “Settings” section on your dashboard. Once there, look for the “Permalinks” button. The “Post Name” option is usually best for SEO purposes, so choose that one.

8. Prioritize safety

WordPress is a very popular website platform, but since it’s so common, hackers often target WordPress sites. It’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest WordPress version releases to avoid any potential bugs or attacks. However, updating your WordPress site isn’t enough on its own – you also need to take extra security measures to keep your site secure from potential threats.

Encrypting your website’s data is important, especially customer information. The best web hosting providers will include an SSL certificate.

Save yourself the headache of starting from scratch by backing up your site regularly. You can find plugins to handle backups and security enhancements easily.

9. Learn how to use heading tags and meta tags

These are called meta tags, and they appear on SERP pages. I’m sure you’ve seen them before when googling something.

You can find heading tags exercises scattered throughout your content; for example, this blog post has 12 such tags. There is a title tag at the beginning, followed by 10 heading tags corresponding with each tip, and finally a conclusion tag at the end. Not only do meta tags and title tags improve SEO, but they also make it simpler for readers to process the information on your website.

Meta tags and title tags play dual roles: they improve SEO and make content easier for website visitors to consume. Can you imagine trying to read this post without headers? It would be much more difficult.

Based on the type of header used, it ranks the tag’s significance on the page. For example, H1 tags are the biggest and most important, while an H6 tag is smaller and less important.

If you’re new to WordPress SEO, my guide on how to use heading tags will help increase your traffic from search engines. I also wrote a guide on crafting meta tags for both SEO and CTR optimization. These are valuable resources that should be part of any WordPress SEO strategy

10. Eliminate clutter

Although WordPress allows you to include a plethora of ads, banners, and widgets on your page, these additions often result in an untrustworthy and unprofessional-looking website. Distracting your website visitors with Lots of elements makes it challenging for them to focus, so they won’t consume your content or click on your calls-to-action. Though WordPress offers many tempting features, in some situations simpler is better.


Though WordPress is easy to use and versatile, you can’t simply set it up and then ignore your website. You’ll still need to put effort into maintaining it.

WordPress offers a plethora of features, and it can be tough to keep track of them all. However, if you follow my 10 tips below, your website’s performance will improve significantly.

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