10 Multisites Plugins You Should Try Out!

10 Multisite Plugins You Should Try Out!


When managing a WordPress network, the right tools make everything easier. We’ve compiled some of our favorite plugins for your next project – all designed to enhance and extend functionality in different ways so that you can get on with doing what really matters: generating content without worrying about technicalities like server management or updates (or both).

Multisite networks are a powerful tool for WordPress users to create and run multiple sites from one dashboard. Plugins are installed in the network dashboard; you can activate them on all subsites using “network activate” or can activate them for individual sites. The plugins in the network improve performance as well as security, making it easier than ever before!

Here are our shortlisted ten most useful plugins for Multisite WordPress

Multisite enhancements

Multisite enhancements are a must-have to make your WordPress network an optimized web instance. The plugin offers many functionalities for site admins, including telling you which particular theme or plug-in is active on each subsite as well as allowing them the ability to add status messages from within their admin bar and show activity information about all sites in real time!

Gravity Forms User Registration Addon

Logging out and in between users on multisite is a mess. Switch users instantly allow you to switch between user accounts in your multisite network- to log out and log in again as a different user in no time. It’s handy for administrators to swap between multiple accounts. 

WP Ultimo

WP Ultimo is a WaaS (Website as a Service) platform that lets you create a network of sites just like WordPress.com. Users will pay a fee to host their site on your network. You can create different subscription plans with added features like extra storage and a free SSL certificate; thus, you can hit all types of users.

Disable Comments

By default, WordPress lets you disable comments on individual pages and posts, but it enables you to disable or delete comments globally on any post type across your entire network. Your network” users don’t have access to override these settings for individual posts. 

User Role Editor

With a User Role Editor, you can easily create, customize, and change any user role in a multisite network. This is useful when managing a huge network with many users and can hide specific menu items from some users in the backend and the front end. You can also block their access to selected admin menu items. You can add new roles and customize capabilities and copy an existing role.

WP Multisite Content Copier

Copying posts and pages between sites of your network manually is a tiresome task. WP Multisite Content Copier allows network administrators to put content on new sites without the struggle of doing it manually. You can also keep your posts and pages synced between subsites of your network.

Multisite Toolbar Additions

The multisite toolbar is a useful plugin for multisite super admins and admins; it adds several valuable links to your admin bar and toolbar in multisite and single sites as well. You can manage network-wide plugins, widgets, content, theme editor, and much more. It’s a great deal, saves a lot of your time, and gives you plenty of practical benefits. 

WP Multisite User Sync

As the name explains, WP Multisite User Sync has a useful syncing feature between your multisite network. Doing this task manually for every page is a time taking task. It allows you to sync or un-sync users quickly from one site to multiple sites or the entire network. You can also define user roles. 

Multisite Plugin Manager

Managing a multisite network with dozens of plugins is a hectic and time taking task. Multisite Plugin Manager helps in managing plugins for network admins. With this plugin, you can choose plugins to auto-activate on all subsites, activate/deactivate plugins on all subsites, remove plugin update messages or metadata for site admins, and much more.


If you’re looking for an experienced & affordable WordPress development company then consider hopping on a video chat with us! You will be surprised how easy it is to get started! Our support channels are ready and standing by!

Managing a multisite network admin is a perverse and time taking task. With proper tools and plugins, it becomes a lot easier. This was our take on the most useful plugins for multisite. All the above-discussed plugins will help you manage your multisite networks. What plugins do you already use in your multisite network? Which ones are the most useful? Did we miss out on anything, do let us know in the comments section below. 

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