How to Add and Manage New Products in WooCommerce

How to Add and Manage New Products in WooCommerce


In our previous blog on the WooCommerce Tutorial: How to Install and Set Up WooCommerce, we discussed what is the woocommerce, and its installation setup process. In this blog, we will discuss how to add and manage products in a store.

If you’re a website owner, chances are you’ve heard of WooCommerce. It’s the most popular e-commerce platform around and it makes selling items online super simple. Setting up your store is just the start – managing existing products, updating images, and adding new products can be tricky if you don’t know what to do. That’s why we created this tutorial – so you can easily learn how to manage all these tasks in WooCommerce with ease! Read on for our complete guide on how to add and manage your products in WooCommerce like a pro!

WooCommerce is a game-changer when it comes to streamlining your e-commerce experience. After installation, you’ll have easy access to two powerful settings areas on the main dashboard: “WooCommerce” and an area specifically for product management called “Products.” Get ready for smooth sailing with this top-notch tool!

How to Add a Product

Get ready to launch your online store! Whether you follow the link at the end of our setup wizard, or simply follow these steps to add a product.

  • Go to WP Dashboard > Products > Add New

The first thing you need to do is to add a “Title of the product” and a “Short Description”.

To really showcase your new product, adding it to WordPress is a surefire way of getting the word out!

Adding Key Details to Your Product

Just underneath the post editor, you’ll find two amazing widgets exclusive to product pages! First off is a Product data section – here’s where you can get creative and add all kinds of fun details about your products. 

Just remember to indicate if your product is virtual or downloadable at the top and then enter prices (regular & sale). Don’t forget that sales have time limits so everything looks great on launch day!

If you are a Digital product seller, you will have to upload your files to start selling today – and don’t forget the details! Customize download limits (or leave blank for no limit) & set expiration dates accordingly. If you’d prefer perpetual availability just keep it empty; done and dusted.

Keep track of all your product stock with the Inventory tab! Easily enter how much you have in store, whether it’s “in” or “out,” and set up backorders if desired. Know just what products are available at any given moment – hassle-free.

Have a product you’re ready to add? We’ll help make it easy! Get the details entered in Shipping, attach any upsells and cross-sells with Linked Products, and set attributes for each item – all those fun characteristics that let customers know exactly what they are getting.

The advanced tab is where the magic happens: input custom notes (so helpful!), position your menu like an expert chef arranges their courses–and do not forget reviews or check out our optional extensions too. Boom! Now we’re cooking 🔥

Create Attributes and Variable Products

Looking to tailor your WooCommerce products? There are many possibilities in the Product data section, but two stand out: Attributes and Variable Products. Let’s dig a little deeper – you’ll be surprised at how cleverly they can customize your items!

Attributes describe key aspects of your product, and they tell a potential customer the most significant information about it.

If you want your product to really stand out, be sure to add all the essential details in the Attributes tab. Things like color and fabric type will help customers know exactly what they’re getting from shopping with you! Plus, customizations such as size or style can give potential buyers a better idea of how awesome your product is.

Need to show off your products but have multiple styles, sizes, and colors? A variable product is key! This great option lets you communicate essential aspects of your items in an organized way – so customers get all the info they need.

Give your customers the power of variety! With our Variations tab, you can easily create multiple versions of any product. For instance, why stop at just one color for that shirt – offer it in red, green, and purple too! Add individual descriptions and prices to each variation so everyone finds what they’re looking for quickly and effortlessly – on your online store’s product page.

Get ready to wow your visitors with a single page that shows off all the cool products you have on offer! You won’t need separate pages for slight variations, making it fun and easy to explore everything in one place.

Customize the Product’s Short Description

Want to make your product stand out? Don’t forget the Product data Widget! Here, you can craft a catchy tagline that will appear right beneath the title. 

Have fun with it and highlight the unique benefits of your item while adding relevant keywords so users can find it easily on search engines. Once done, be sure to check out other sections like tags and categories too – why not add an eye-catching featured image or even create a full photo gallery?!

You’ve worked hard to create your product, and now it’s time for the world to see! Give yourself a pat on the back – when you hit Publish, everyone will be able to enjoy what you have made. And if that wasn’t enough reason for celebration, feel free to keep creating additional products as much as your heart desires!

Managing Your WooCommerce Products

Have a lot of items to include in your WooCommerce store? There’s no need to stress; simply use the Products tab in your dashboard for convenient management. It’ll make setting up shop easier than ever!

For example, you can select All Products to see every item currently listed in your store. You can add, edit, and delete products here as needed:

Get your products under control with the super-handy Product Categories, Tags, and Attributes pages! Easily viewable like any other WordPress Posts page – everything that you need to stay organized is all in one convenient spot. Sweet!

Wrap Up!

Overall, adding and managing products in WooCommerce doesn’t have to be a daunting task. It’s best to take things slow when adding a new product in WooCommerce – make sure all the details are just right and that the product works perfectly before launching. With these steps in mind, you will be able to confidently add and manage products for your online store efficiently!

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