How to Delete Pages in WordPress without getting a 404 Error – A Basic Guide

How to Delete Pages in WordPress without Getting a 404 Error – A Basic Guide


If you’re looking to make a switch in your website, deleting pages could be the way to go! But why take out content that’s already published? This article will explain it all and then walk you through how to delete WordPress pages – plus detailing what action is necessary afterward. So don’t worry if those 404 errors are giving us headaches; let’s get stuck into finding solutions for them now!

If you’re feeling like it’s time for a fresh start on your WordPress page, there are plenty of good reasons why you should consider deleting certain pages. It may be that your content is outdated or irrelevant, two pages have similar info to keep things organized and efficient, or even just to simplify the user experience. And if all else fails – sometimes sensitive information needs protection which can only come from deletion! If this sounds familiar then our guide will show you how best to go about deleting those unwanted pages in WordPress today.

How to Delete Pages in WordPress?

Ready to delete a page from your WordPress site? It’s easy – just follow the steps below and you’ll be done in no time!

1. How to Delete a Page From the WordPress Dashboard

Head over to Pages > All Pages on your dashboard, then select the one you want to go to and click Trash. Easy as that, so get ready for some clutter-clearing action!

Now, to permanently delete the page, click on the trash link at the top. Next, click on delete permanently to delete it from your WordPress website and Trash folder.

2. How to delete Multiple Pages at Once

Need to delete multiple pages on the fly? No problem! Just hit Bulk Action and select Move To Trash in one fell swoop. Your work is done…and those pesky extra pages are outta here!

Tired of deleting pages one by one? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! With our easy-to-use system, you can quickly select and delete multiple pages at once. Simply choose the ones that need to go – or if it’s all of them be sure to check off the Title box – then hit Apply: job done in no time!

Note: Again, you can use the method mentioned before to permanently delete multiple pages.

How to remove a page from your WordPress blog?

Ready to remove a page from your WordPress blog? You can do it quickly and easily – just head over to the Pages section of your dashboard, find the one you want to go for good, choose “Edit” — and poof! It’s history.

Head on over to your WordPress Editor, and check out the big red “Move To Trash” button located beneath that Page tab. Don’t be nervous – just hit it!

To get rid of a WordPress page for good? It’s easy! All you need to do is follow the same steps we used before – and just like that, your problematic page will be banished forever. Simple as that!

How to Redirect Deleted URLs to Stop 404 Errors?

You’ve done the work to create and delete URLs, but with links potentially lingering in other areas of your site, you could end up facing 404 errors. To stop that from happening, be sure to set up a redirection process for all deleted URLs

1. Using Rank Math SEO

Fortunately, there are several solutions available: one option is using Rank Math SEO which offers an easy-to-navigate way of redirecting within their dashboard –

1n-simply log into WordPress and go straight through them!

With a few easy steps, you can get your Redirections option up and running. Search for the module on your screen, turn it on, and voilà –the feature’s now ready to go in Rank Math! So don’t wait any longer – try out all its amazing possibilities today!

Next, tap on Add New Redirection to create a new redirect.

Need to point a page toward its new home? Here you can find all the help you need!

  • Enter your source URL and add the target where it should be directed.
  • From there, decide which type of redirection is best for you.
  • Permanent Move (301) or Temporary Redirect/Move (302 or 307).
  • Lastly, easily activate or deactivate with just one click – simple as that!

Click the ‘Add Redirection‘ button and you’ll be ready to send visitors from one URL straight over to another – easy peasy!

2. Using Yoast SEO

Looking to optimize your content? With the premium version of Yoast SEO, you can redirect your URL and get even more out of it. This documentation might be just what you need – check it out!

3. Using the Redirection Plugin

Want to stop 404 errors on your website? Look no further than the Redirection plugin! Installing and activating it takes just a few minutes, then you can head over to Tools on your dashboard where options such as Redirection will show up. After answering some queries by following the guide, voila – the database setup is complete! Just sit back, relax, and get ready for redirecting deleted URLs in style.

With the Redirection plugin, you can quickly and easily create new redirects with just a few clicks. Just press Add New at the top or fill in all of your details for an immediate redirect.

  • Source URL, Query Parameters (which help to set criteria for incoming requests)
  • Target URL, and which Group it belongs to either Redirections or Modified posts

Then save your changes by clicking “Add Redirect” – simple as that!

Wrapping it Up

Thanks for joining us!  We hope this journey has been helpful in understanding the various methods to delete and redirect your WordPress pages. Whether you prefer an easier method like employing a plugin or manually taking care of it all, we’re positive that you could follow along with our provided details with ease.

Don’t forget to check out some other articles available on our blog too – such as how to delete a theme in WordPress – so keep exploring! If there’s any issue after deleting those unwanted pages from your site, simply head over to Facebook and Twitter where we’re always ready for help 🤗 Oh, before jumping off: remember one more thing about affiliate links when purchasing anything through these posts; their commissions are meant exclusively for WordPress developers who manage active accounts here 😉

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