WordPress Multisite – A Beginner Guide – Part 2

WordPress Multisite – A Beginner Guide – Part 2


In our last blog, we discussed how WordPress Multisite works. In this guide, we will discuss the benefits and use cases of multisite.

Using WordPress multisite comes with a myriad of advantages, some of which are listed below:

Efficient and Centralized Site Management

Multisite makes administrative duties much less time-consuming by allowing the super admin to make changes on all subsites at once, from installing themes and plugins to updating software or modifying user permissions.

WordPress Multisite networks streamline the process by allowing you to install WordPress once and then activate your network. From there, adding new websites is simple and easy – no need to repeat the installation process!


If you’re a restaurant franchise owner and want to create subsites for your different locations, multisite is perfect for you. With one URL, you can have an unlimited number of WordPress subsites as your franchise expands. Not only can you add new sites when necessary, but you may also delete old ones without affecting the rest of the network. Some super admins even configure the network to allow users to create their sites without approval from anyone higher up.

Adding a new website is super easy because you can use the same plugin, core, and theme files for all networking sites. Plus, it’s way more affordable than other options.


When you have multiple WordPress websites, the costs of themes, plugins and other things begin to add up. Thanks to subsites’ ability to share files, super admins can reduce server costs. For example, some super admins manage hundreds or thousands of websites – if these sites were created individually it would be very time-consuming and expensive. This is where multisite configuration comes in as a solution.

Data Sharing

WordPress multisite stores login information for an entire network of websites, so users won’t have to make new usernames and passwords to access each website. Super admins can also grant users access to new websites without having to create new accounts for them.

Developers love multisite because network-wide changes are much easier to implement. If a site needs an update, the whole network can be updated at once without worrying about some sites falling behind.

It’s important to be aware that there is always a tradeoff. If you have any bugs in files, it will affect the entire network. To avoid this, you should test changes in a controlled environment before implementing them across your whole network.

Permission Control

WordPress Multisite allows administrators to control who can modify the network and its subsites. The multisite feature concentrates control of the network on one or a couple of super admins, in charge of adding new users and assigning permissions.

WordPress users often prefer a multisite setup, as it is much easier to manage than several dozen independent websites. Super admins have complete control over the network, making it easy to spot and resolve problems quickly.

WordPress Multisite Use Cases

Wondering if you should use WordPress multisite or single site? Here are a few factors to take into account. Keep in mind that these networks work best when managing a group of sites with similar functions. This means the subsites have the same hosting and utilize similar plugins and themes, etc.

WordPress multisite is commonly used for:

  • A business can have subsites for different services or brands. For example, an international brand might deploy a website for each language its products or services are available.
  • Another type of organization that might use subsites is one where all the subsites follow the same theme and branding; a university might have websites for its departments, or a company might have internal sites for employees only.
  • Finally, online communities exist (such as Reddit) where users can create forum subsites on any number of niche interests.
  • There are many different types of blogs and online publications, each with its own unique set of features.
  • Administering a website on a multisite network is one way to ensure that all your content is published consistently. Aesthetically similar sites can be grouped under one theme, making it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for.

In every single one of these scenarios, system administrators can manage all subsites without any glitches and keep a consistent front-end display by using different installed versions of WordPress.When Not to Use WordPress Multisite

Although Multisite has many great features, it’s not always the best solution for managing multiple WordPress websites.

Do not use WordPress Multisite if:

  • Unless you’re confident in your abilities with WordPress or website configuration and management, taking on a multisite yourself is likely more than you can handle. If possible, hire someone else to do it for you.
  • Ultimately, more trouble is caused by installing various themes and plugins across different websites. If you want to keep your networked sites separate, it’s best to do so from the start.
  • You’re not willing to take the extra security measures necessary to protect your network. If one subsite is compromised, all of your sites could be at risk.
  • If you want quality hosting, be prepared to spend more money. The bigger your website and the more traffic it handles, the pricier WordPress hosting becomes.

Some people don’t know if WordPress multisite is a good idea when developers create client sites. If the client sites aren’t related, then it’s not the best option. In that case, you’re better off having separate installations for each user and giving them authority to configure their site however they want it.

It’s also important to think about whether you even need multiple websites for your project before taking any further steps. If you’re making a collection of extremely similar sites, using subdomains or subdirectories from your main site would be more efficient rather than having separately managed subsites

WordPress Multisite Examples

City, University of London

City University of London uses WordPress Multisite to run City Blogs, its blogging platform. City Blogs is a forum where students and staff can write blogs and share them with their colleagues under the university’s domain.

The website offers a personal blog service that users can sign up for. Signing up makes it so the university’s IT staff can manage the student’s online property and changes on the network as a whole much more easily.

The Wall Street Journal

WordPress’ multisite feature helps this publication run microsites, share articles, post videos and podcasts, and manage different language versions of its site.


Yes, WordPress does power itself. Its blogging platform, WordPress.com, is the largest multisite on the internet — millions of bloggers have their subsites on it.

Different websites hosted by the service show that multisite networks are perfect for platforms with various audiences and goals but share similar back-ends.

Our thoughts on the pros, cons, and examples of WordPress Multisite. If you want your system built on WP Multisite, schedule a chat with us! You’ll be amazed at how simple it is to get started! Our support channels are always available to help you out!

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